Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Introductions never fail to make me nervous. But here goes! My name is Emily. 
I've been obsessed with clothes ever since I can remember. As a little girl, "dress-up" was my go-to game. As I've matured into a semi-adult, that obsession has transformed into a fervent passion for all things pretty; from shoes to lipsticks to cardigans to fake eyelashes. The majority of my paychecks go to filling my closet and my cosmetics drawer. I use my fashion sense and makeup skills to help provide a certain confidence I would otherwise have trouble forming. It's my goal to encourage my fellow women to embrace their natural beauty while helping them be creative with makeup and express themselves with their clothes.

Now that we have that all out of the way, I spent the majority of my day rearranging my bedroom. I need to put more effort into keeping it clean. There was dust everywhere! I purchased a tiny owl bowl, although I've not yet decided what to put in it. I organized all of my nail polish and quite like how it came out. As you can see, Essie is my brand of choice.

I'll have to plan several separate posts to display my clothes and makeup. I own more of each that I am proud to admit.

I don't want to ramble on and on, so I'll end this here. I want to post either once or twice a week, so until next time!


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